See Ann Arbor From My Perspective
Photographs, Opinions, and More

Sharing News and Insightful Views About Ann Arbor
Hello! I am Bruce Laidlaw. I have lived, studied and worked in Ann Arbor since I enrolled in the University of Michigan in 1959. I have also studied in France, Mexico and Costa Rica. I vacation in northern Michigan. In these experiences, I have collected writings and photographs I wish to share. I hope to inspire others to share their views and photographs on this website.
Thoughtful Viewpoints
I have critical opinions regarding matters of public interest. Others are welcome to contribute their opinions regarding Ann Arbor and beyond.
Photos and videos of Ann Arbor and beyond.
Links to Internet Resources
The decline in printed news sources forces us to search the Internet to replace the printed word regarding news and other resources.
Get in Touch
If you have any questions or concerns about the articles I wrote, reach out to me today. I would love to hear your thoughts.